Grilled Asparagus with Grilled Lemon

My mom and I took a cooking class a few weeks ago where we made this dish. I’m normally not a fan of lemon but warmed up it was absolutely delicious!

1 lb asparagus
1 whole lemon, cut into 8 pieces
1 teaspoon of oil

1) Heat grill pan to a medium high temperature
2) Trim asparagus and coat in oil. Place asparagus on the grill pan, cooking time is approximately 6-7 minutes
3) Cut lemon into 8 pieces and place on grill pan. Lemon will cook quickly, only needing 30 or so seconds on each side
4) Remove all food from the grill pan, squeeze the lemon over the asparagus, and serve!

* Make sure to trim the asparagus before you cook it. You will want to trim off all of the white/purple ends. These will be very tough to chew if you do try to eat them
* I cut up my asparagus into smaller pieces after I grilled it, I found that the asparagus absorbed more of the lemon flavor that way
